
We are Abraham smashing the idols

Israel flag, lion of Judah

We are Abraham smashing the idols

We are Isaac on the altar

We are the son of Jacob

We are the daughter of Rachel

We are the tears of Leah

We are the Lion of Judah

We are Joseph on the throne

We are Moses at the mountain

We are Joshua at Gilgal

We are Samson between the columns

We are Samuel at Mitzpah

We are Saul against the Philistines

We are David & Solomon in Jerusalem

We are Isaiah before the Chariot

We are Ezekiel among the exiles

We are Daniel in the Lion's den

We are Jonah in the Fish' belly

We are Job remaining steadfast

We are Nehemia on the city wall

We are Mordechai in the gatehouse

We are Esther in the throne room

We are Mattityahu against the Greeks

We are Yohanan and the Sages in Yavneh

We are Judah the Prince in Tzipori

We are the Amoraim in Bavel

We are the Geonim in Persia

We are the Wise ones of Ashkenaz

We are the Rishonim of Spain

We are Maimonides in the Sultan's court

We are the Mystics in Safed

We are Kehilot of the Lands

We are the Hasidic masters

We are the Mussar giants

We are the great Yeshivos

We are the Chachamim of Baghdad

We are the Lost in Assyria

We are the Rejected from Egypt

We are the Lovers of Zion

We are the Old Yishuv

We are the Pioneers of Israel

We are the Founders' generation

We are the Workers of Zion

We are they who Tremble at God's Word

We are the desert bloomers

We are the Defenders

We are the Jaw Bone

We are the Israel Defence Forces

We are the Lomdei Torah