A markdown image is an exclamation mark, followed by a pair of brackets, followed by a pair of parentheses. The image's alt-text goes in the brackets, and it's source URL goes in the parens.

While HTML images can have their attributes in any order, I've noticed that
authors tend to put the src
attribute before the alt
attribute. One of the
things I like about Markdown images is that they encourage the author to think
about alt text first.
<img src="markdown-images-treesitter.png" alt="A table made of trees">
Markdown has limited HTML parsing capability, which means markdown files can
contain HTML <img>
tags and will work properly when they do, so mixing
syntaxes in one file isn't a huge problem. In fact there are times when it's
preferable to do so. But the terser and more text-oriented markdown syntax can
be useful in different situations, like markdown tables, so I generally prefer
to use it whenever I'm able.
The Wrists-Forward Approach
For these reasons, I often find myself converting HTML images to markdown syntax and vice-versa when working on blog posts, slide decks, or documentation. My typical approach using stock vim mappings would look something like this: For HTML to markdown, from the opening angle bracket,
- i
- 0f[pf<da< to paste it into the brackets
- repeat the process for the
If the src
attribute comes first, as it often does, the motions will have to
reflect that.
This task is simple enough, or at least, vim makes it quicker than a typical editor. However, this still involves eight discrete actions (insert, find, delete, move, find, put, find, delete). When you have a handful of images per file, and dozens of files to review, the effort stacks up quickly. And moreover, that's a lot of things to think about! We can do better. Treesitter knows the structure of our document. We can use it to find the alt text and source URL for us, and automatically convert back and forth between markdown and HTML.
Treesitter Queries
We start by writing custom queries for the html
and markdown_inline
treesitter parsers. Note that we have to use markdown_inline
and not
for reasons.
(tag_name) @_tag
(attribute) @image.html.attr +) @image.html
(#eq? @_tag "img")))
(image_description) @image.markdown.alt
(link_destination) @image.markdown.src) @image.markdown
These queries capture the img
tag (@image.html
) and all attributes
) in the html case; for markdown, they will get the entire
image (@image.markdown
), the alt
text (@image.markdown.alt
), and the src
It's Lua Time!
Now let's define a custom command, called MarkdownToggleImages
command = vim.api.nvim_create_user_command
command('MarkdownToggleImage', function()
-- tbd
end, { desc = 'Toggle Markdown image syntax' })
Our function will work like so:
- determine the injected language at the cursor position;
- try to parse the image query for that language, and if we succeed;
- store a reference to the image node (so we can later replace it by range);
- in the HTML case:
- store the key/value pairs of all attributes;
- pick the
values and store them with the node;
- in the markdown case:
- store the text values of the queried
- store the text values of the queried
- finally, replace the node's text with the opposite specie's template.
Because treesitter grammars can be nested (i.e. injected), neovim's treesitter
integration provides a LanguageTree
object which holds the collection of trees
in a buffer and their relationships. The markdown
parser can inject both the
and markdown_inline
parsers, so let's get the specific language tree at
the cursor position. nvim-treesitter
provides a utility for this, which
iterates through all the language trees in a range and gives back the syntax
tree which contains the range.
local ts_utils = require'nvim-treesitter.ts_utils';
local row, col = unpack(vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0))
local root, _, langtree = ts_utils.get_root_for_position(row - 1, col)
local lang = langtree:lang()
if lang == 'html' then
return html_to_md(row - 1, root)
elseif lang == 'markdown_inline' then
return md_to_html(row - 1, root)
Now that we have the language and concrete tree at the cursor position, we need
to parse the query for that language it and run our images
query (if it
exists). Let's do the markdown version first because its' query gets the data
local function get_image_md(row, root)
local query = vim.treesitter.query.get('markdown_inline', 'images')
if not query then return end
local node
local alt
local src
for id, _node in query:iter_captures(root, 0, row, row + 1) do
local cap = query.captures[id]
if cap == 'image.markdown' then
node = _node
elseif cap == 'image.markdown.alt' then
alt = get_node_text(_node, 0)
elseif cap == 'image.markdown.src' then
src = get_node_text(_node, 0)
return node, alt, src
Now let's do the HTML version, which has to process arbitrary attributes because of the less sophisticated query
local function get_image_html(row, root)
local query = vim.treesitter.query.get('html', 'images')
if not query then return end
local node
local alt
local src
for id, _node in query:iter_captures(root, 0, row, row + 1) do
local cap = query.captures[id]
if cap == 'image.html' then
node = _node
elseif cap == 'image.html.attr' then
local name, value
for child in _node:iter_children() do
local text = get_node_text(child, 0);
local type = child:type()
if type == 'attribute_name' then
name = text
elseif type == 'attribute_value' then
value = text
elseif type == 'quoted_attribute_value' then
value = text:gsub('^[\'|"](.*)[\'|"]$', '%1')
if name == 'alt' then
alt = value
elseif name == 'src' then
src = value
return node, alt, src
Now all we have to do is replace our node's range with a formatted template
local function replace_node_text(node, replacement)
local srow, scol, erow, ecol = vim.treesitter.get_node_range(node)
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_text(0, srow, scol, erow, ecol, { replacement })
local function html_to_md(row, root)
local node, alt, src = get_image_html(row, root)
if node then
replace_node_text(node, (''):format(alt, src))
local function md_to_html(row, root)
local node, alt, src = get_image_md(row, root)
if node then
replace_node_text(node, ('<img alt="%s" src="%s">'):format(alt, src))
If you find yourself doing this kind of thing often, I hope these snippets are
helpful to you. I even added it to my dial.nvim config to make it as
easy as <c-a>