Red Hat
An alternative to visual regression that puts Usability first
11ty Meetup
How is it migrating from Nunjucks? How well does it work with Web Components technologies? Does it play nice with other tools? Is it ready to adopt at work?
Red Hat
Exploring the benefits that web components and
PatternFly Elements can bring to cross-team collaboration.
DevConf.cz 2023
In this talk, we'll discover what web components are, and how PatternFly
Elements 2.0 implements a high-fidelity PatternFly experience that's
available to developers in any tech stack - Drupal, Java, front-end frameworks
(including React), or just plain-old HTML.
Red Hat Front-End Guild
About the DOM, Web Components, and how they're used at Red Hat with PatternFly
Elements and the Red Hat Design System
Red Hat Beyond
A comprehensive introduction to the technologies which power the web: HTML, HTTP, CSS, and JavaScript.
NeovimConf 2022
How and why I built the neovim plugin nvim-regexplainer
, and what I learned from the process: lua, nvim APIs, and more.
Tech Talk @ Forter
A short presentation on functional programming techniques using JavaScript