Introduction to Web Technologies
Portions © WHATWG (CC-BY), MDN (CC-BY-SA)
Introduction to Web Technologies
In this Presentation
- HTML for Document Structure
- CSS for Document Style
- JavaScript for Interactivity
- HTTP and the Browser
- Developer Tools
Introduction to Web Technologies
What is HTML?
The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect.

What is HTML?
HTML is the foundation of the World Wide Web and the core of every website and web app. Mastering HTML is crucial to developing performant, accessible, and successful web applications.
- HyperText Markup Language
- Sir Tim Berners Lee, CERN, 1993
- Structured Text interconnected by hyperlinks
What is HTML?
HTML is an open standard, anyone can freely read, copy, distribute, and implement it. The HTML Living Standard is published by the WHATWG under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
- W3C: World Wide Web Consortium
- WHATWG: Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group
W3C > WHATWG formalized in 2019
What is HTML?
Each HTML document is a tree of elements containing metadata, text, and other contents. An HTML element is a tag name with optional attributes, and content. Elements can contain whitespace, text, comments, or other elements.
The paragraph tag contains
<em>phrasing</em> content.
What is HTML?
HTML attributes live in the open tag, after the tag name. They are
key-value pairs separated by =
, where the value is surrounded by quotation
<a href="">Red Hat</a>
Some attributes, like id
, are global. Others, like href
, are specific to
certain elements.
What is HTML?
Void Elements
Some elements, like <img>
, are void elements AKA self-closing, meaning they have no content and do not have a
closing tag
<img alt="red fedora with black band"
+ src="/images/red-hat-logo.svg">
- src="/images/red-hat-logo.svg"></img>
What is HTML?
The Document Tree
The root element of every HTML document is the <html>
element. It has two
children: <head>
and <body>
contains document metadata and links to subresources, <body>
is where
the document content goes.
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Basic HTML Page</title>
<p>Body content lives in landmarks</p>
What is HTML?
Landmark elements define the large-scale structure of the page
for the main content<header>
for banners, titles, etc.<footer>
for content which comes after the main<aside>
for content which diverges from the main flow
All page content must be contained within a landmark.
<h1>Page Structure Matters</h1>
<p>Body content lives in landmarks</p>
<p>This also helps SEO</p>
<p>And creates accessible web pages</p>
Introduction to Web Technologies
Semantic HTML
All our work, our whole life is a matter of semantics, because words are the tools with which we work... Everything depends on our understanding of them.

Semantic HTML
Meaning in Structure
HTML elements have meanings. The meaning which HTML elements convey to their context and contents is called HTML semantics It's important to use the correct semantics so that people and machines can correctly interpret the intent of your documents.
Incorrect semantics can lead to broken experiences for many users, and ultimately lost revenue for the owners of the page.
Semantic HTML
Sectioning Content
Defines the scope of <header>
and <footer>
Semantic HTML
Document Headings
- Only one
per page - Headings must not skip ahead, so no
- But you may skip back, to
- Phrasing content must intervene between headings
Semantic HTML
Interactive Content
Interactive content is how your users interact with the page, the web server, or another server entirely.
- hyperlinks:
<a href>
- multimedia:
<audio controls>
and<video controls>
- forms:
Ensure all your interactive content is accessible by keyboard, not just by pointers like tap or mouse.
Semantic HTML
Div Soup
has no meaning whatsoever. It's used only for styling or scripting. Much
better to use the sectioning elements or specific interactive elements
Semantic HTML
❌ Don't add interactivity to <div>
<div onclick="sendMessageToServer()">Submit</div>
✅ Do use the correct semantic element
<button type="submit"
Semantic HTML
Some Interesting Elements
HTML already comes with a number of interesting built-in elements:
to mark a point in time<mark>
to highlight a portion of text<code>
to represent source code<article>
for an independent, distributable content, e.g: blog post, comment, interactive widget, etc
contact information for the page or<article>
for טקסט דו-כיווני: content in any direction!<dl>
, and<dd>
, the Definition list, term, and definition elements (since in HTML 1.0!)
And many more, listed in the living standard
Semantic HTML
Disclosure Widgets
HTML is enough to write entire apps. <details>
and <summary>
can hide or
show content by activating the disclosure widget. Add the open
attribute to make them open by default.
for example...
<details open>
<summary>Hide details</summary>
<dt>Height</dt> <dd>1.2m</dd>
<dt>Weight</dt> <dd>150kg</dd>
<dt>Hair Colour</dt> <dd>Brown</dd>
Semantic HTML
The <dialog>
element is a web-native way to present information to the user
in a popup window or modal dialog.
<button id="showModal" onclick="dialog.showModal()">Show Modal</button>
<dialog id="dialog" onclose="output.value=`${dialog.returnValue} selected`">
<form method="dialog">
<label>Choose a Platform:
<select onchange="confirm.value=this.value">
<option disabled selected>Pick One</option>
<option value="iOS">iOS (proprietary)</option>
<option value="Google">Google (proprietary)</option>
<option value="Windows">Windows (proprietary)</option>
<option value="Web">Web (open)</option>
<button id="confirm">Confirm</button>
<output id="output"></output>
Introduction to Web Technologies
Embedded Content
A picture is worth a thousand words

Embedded Content
The <img>
element embeds an image in the page. It must have an alt
that describes its contents, unless solely for decoration. It's a void
element with no content. Use loading="lazy"
to defer loading the image.
<img alt="" src="flourish.png">
<img alt="Children playing in the sun"
<img role="presentation" src="flourish.png">
<img alt="Children playing in the sun"
Embedded Content
The <picture>
element allows more control over which images to load. Art
direction is the process of loading different images depending on client
<source srcset="shire-night.png"
media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)">
<img alt="The Shire, a peaceful, verdant village"
Embedded Content
The <video>
element provides video playback on web pages. Sites like YouTube
use <video>
to play user content.
<video muted autoplay poster="thumbnail.jpg" width="500">
<source type="video/webm" src="big-buck-bunny.webm">
<source type="video/mp4" src="big-buck-bunny.mp4">
Embedded Content
The <audio>
element provides sound playback on web pages. Like <video>
, you
can provide multiple sources
<audio controls>
<source type="audio/ogg" src="hatikva.ogg">
<source type="audio/mpeg" src="hatikva.mp3">
Embedded Content
The <iframe>
element embeds content from another website within your page.
<iframe src="" loading="lazy"
width="100%" height="500px"></iframe>
Embedded Content
The <canvas>
element doesn't do much on it's own, but with the canvas
scripting or WebGL APIs, it is used to output arbitrary graphics like
games, audio visualizations, animations, etc.
Semantic HTML
HTML Forms
When people talk about Web 2.0, they mean that when the Internet, the World Wide Web, first became popular, it was one-way only.

HTML Forms
Starting with HTML 2 in 1995, HTML gained the ability to receive user input
via <form>
, and not just display author's content. Prior to <form>
, the only
way to publish content on the web was to write an HTML document and publish it
to a web server via FTP, for example.
The widespread adoption of <form>
led to a user-content revolution which came
to be known as "Web 2.0". Wikipedia, Twitter, MySpace ⇨ Facebook, Flickr ⇨
Instagram all owe their existence to HTML forms.
HTML Forms
Form controls
HTML Forms
Form fields can be grouped into fieldsets. Fieldsets can have a <legend>
to describe their contents, and if they are disabled, it disables all of its
HTML Forms
HTTP Forms
Forms can have an action and a method, which determines how and where they send their contents.
<form method="POST" action="/users/new.php">
<label>Username <input name="username" type="text"></label>
<label>Password <input name="password" type="password"></label>
POST /users/new.php HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 31
HTML Forms
HTML Forms work without, and in fact predate JavaScript. Web apps don't need JS to provide interactive experiences & should provide fallbacks when JS is unavailable.
<form id="searchForm" action="/search">
<label>🔍 <input name="query" type="search"></label>
searchForm.addEventListener('submit', async function (event) {
const results = await fetch('/search', {
body: new FormData(this),
method: 'post',
Introduction to Web Technologies
What is CSS?
We wanted people to use HTML. But we also wanted people to say something about font size, colours, typography, layout, margins and shadows and such. Because otherwise they wouldn’t have used HTML.

Pr. "HAWK-uhn VEE-yumm LEE-yeh"
What is CSS?
CSS is the presentation layer of an HTML document. It controls things like colours, fonts, layouts, and animations.
- Cascading Style Sheets
- Håkon Wium Lie, W3C, 1996
- Separates presentation from content
Pr. "HAWK-uhn VEE-yumm LEE-yeh"
What is CSS?
Stylesheets are made up of rules. Each rule has a selector list of one
or more selectors, followed by a set of curly braces { }
. Inside the braces is
a list of declarations, separated by semicolons ;
. Each declaration has a
property on the left side, and one or more values on the right side,
separated by a colon.
h1, h2 {
font-weight: bold;
color: purple;
What is CSS?
The Cascade
CSS Rules cascade, meaning they layer onto each other in the order they are declared. The cascade and selector specificity determine how conflicts are resolved in stylesheets.
h1, h2 {
font-style: italic;
color: purple;
h2 {
color: red;
ASK: what colour will the h2 be? what style?
What is CSS?
Colours in CSS can be represented multiple ways.
- Hex Values
- RGB function
rgb(255, 255, 255, 1);
- HSL function
hsl(360deg 100% 100% / 100%);
- Named Colours
cornflowerblue; rebeccapurple; hotpink;
- Others
What is CSS?
Box Model
CSS' box model defines elements' dimensions and positions in terms of surrounding boxes. Boxes' dimensions are composed of margin separating it from other boxes, a border surrounding itself, padding separating content from the border, and the content itself.
Boxes can have one of two "outer display types", which determine how the browser lays them out on the page. Block elements break onto a new line and have margins, border, and padding which push other elements away. Inline elements do not break onto a new line and their blockwise box properties do not push away other elements.
What is CSS?
Block and Inline
Paragraphs have block display,
while <strong>strong is inline</strong>
<h3>Headings</h3> are block-level, though and
should not be nested in ps
Paragraphs have block display, while strong is inline
are block-level, though and should not be nested in psWhat is CSS?
Logical Properties
CSS Provides logical box-model properties which make your layouts more
resiliant and internationalizable. Instead of referring to directions top
, left
, bottom
, we have the block
and inline
axes and the start
and end
LTR Block Inline
RTL Block Inline
What is CSS?
CSS boxes also have an "inner display type" which governs how their contents are
laid out. The display: flex;
declaration turns a box into a flex box,
which means the contents will flex to fill the available space, according to the
rules you define.
What is CSS?
CSS Grid
CSS Grid is a powerful feature which makes much of legacy CSS frameworks
like bootstrap obsolete. Flexbox works primarily along a single dimension. For
two-dimensional grid layouts, use display: grid;
Whenever creating page layouts, always reach for CSS Grid first before loading some css framework
What is CSS?
CSS Queries let you conditionally apply styles.
- Media queries: based on device, screen size, or user settings
- Feature queries: based on whether some CSS feature is supported
- Container queries (🌠 new!): based on the containing box
- Style queries (🤞 upcoming): based on the values of other styles
What is CSS?
Responsive Design
The practice of using media queries to change page layout depending on device type and screen size.
main { /* mobile */
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 1fr;
@media (min-width: 500px) { /* tablet */
main { grid-template-columns: 2fr 1fr; }
@media (min-width: 1000px) { /* desktop */
main { grid-template-columns: 1fr 4fr 1fr; }
@media (print) {
main {
display: block;
nav {
display: none;
What is CSS?
More CSS Features
- CSS counters
- scroll-snap
- masonry grids
- typography features
- pointer-events
Introduction to Web Technologies
What is JavaScript?
Any app that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript.
Java is to JavaScript as ham is to hamster.
What is JavaScript?
JavaScript provides custom interactivity to web pages and applications. It is also a general purpose, multiparadigm language used in server-side, edge, and embedded applications as well.
- Officially ECMAScript or es
- Brendan Eich, Mozilla, 1995
- IEEE 7th most popular language
- StackOverflow most popular language
ECMA International is the standards body in charge of the language specification
What is JavaScript?
Progressive Enhancement
Before writing any JavaScript, it's critical to ensure that your HTML and CSS are correct, comprehensive, and sufficient. Progressive enhancement is the practice of using JavaScript to add additional features and niceties to an already complete application experience.
Sometimes JavaScript fails to load. Some users disable javascript in their browsers. Many users use low-power devices, and the cost of parsing and executing large JS bundles is non-trivial.
What is JavaScript?
Data Types
JavaScript is a dynamically typed, JIT-compiled language. It's data types are
(including both integers and floats)boolean
In JavaScript, everything is an object.
What is JavaScript?
JavaScript variables are declared with
, let
, or const
Primitive types (string
, number
, boolean
) equate by value.
Object types are assigned and compared by reference, not by value.
assert(1 === 1); // ✅
assert('RedHat' === 'RedHat'); // ✅
assert(true === true); // ✅
const obj = { hello: 'world' };
assert(obj === obj); // ✅
assert(obj === { hello: 'world' }); // ❌
const obj = { hello: 'world' };
obj = { shalom: 'haver' };
// => TypeError: invalid assignment to const 'obj'
obj.shalom = 'haver';
// => { hello: 'world', shalom: 'haver' }
What is JavaScript?
while (bool) {
// ...
do {
// ...
} while (bool)
for (let i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
// ...
for (const item of iterator) {
// ...
Object.keys({ hello: 'world' }); // ['hello']
Object.values({ hello: 'world' }); // ['world']
Object.entries({ hello: 'world' }); // [['hello', 'world']]
Object.entries({ hello: 'world' })
.map(([ key, value ]) =>
[translate(key), translate(value)])
); // { bonjour: 'le monde' }
What is JavaScript?
if (key === 'A')
return 1;
else if (key === 'B')
return 2;
return 3;
switch (key) {
case 'A': return 1;
case 'B': return 2;
default: return 3;
return key === 'A' ? 1
: key === 'B' ? 2
: 3;
What is JavaScript?
JavaScript functions are first-class: they are value expressions like any other. They're also objects, like everything else in JS.
function inc(x) { return x + 1; }
const double = x => x * 2;
const pow = exp => x => x ** exp;, 3); // 4
[1, 2, 3].map(inc); // => [2, 3, 4]
[1, 2, 3].map(double); // => [2, 4, 6]
[1, 2, 3].map(pow(2)); // => [1, 4, 9]
async function getJSON(url) {
try {
const response = await fetch(url);
const json = await response.json();
return json;
} catch {
throw new Error('Could not fetch');
function* iterInts() {
let state = -1;
yield state++;
for (const int of iterInts()) {
if (int < 100) console.log(int);
else break;
What is JavaScript?
- Familiar OOP syntax and concepts
- Maps well to DOM
- Powerful and growing feature set
class Car extends Vehicle {
static wheels = 4;
#locked = false;
#childLockEngaged = false;
get locked() { return this.#locked; }
set locked(value) {
if (!this.#childLockEngaged)
this.#locked = value;
constructor(doors = 2) {
this.doors = doors;
const car = new Car();;
assert(car instanceof Vehicle);
console.log(car.constructor) // class Car {...}
'drive' in Object.getPrototypeOf(car); // true
'drive' in Object.getPrototypeOf(new Vehicle()); // true
Not copies - prototype links
Introduction to Web Technologies
Document Object Model
Anything found in an HTML document can be accessed, changed, deleted, or added using the Document Object Model
Document Object Model
The DOM: Document Object Model
As the browser downloads an HTML page, it instantiates a DOM for the document.
- Every HTML element becomes an element node
- The
element becomes the root document node - HTML Text content becomes text nodes
- Comments become comment nodes
This happens while the server streams HTML to the client, but <script>
elements and other subresources can halt streaming DOM construction and impair
page performance.
Document Object Model
Manipulating the Document
element.setAttribute(name, value)
Document Object Model
- click / tap / scroll / mouseenter / mouseleave
- keyup / keydown
- focus / blur
- dragstart / dragstop / drop
Events have target
and path
properties which provide rich detail about the
state of the DOM.
Document Object Model
Event Listeners
.addEventListener('mousemove', function(event) {
const ctx = this.getContext('2d');
ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
ctx.fillRect(event.clientX, event.clientY, 2, 2);
Introduction to Web Technologies
What are Web Components?
Because web components are native to the web, they can travel to any web-based environment.
What are Web Components?
Custom Elements
In the DOM, each element relates to a
specific class. Custom Elements are HTML tags containing a hyphen which are
linked to a user-defined JavaScript class through the customElements
class FancyElement extends HTMLElement {
fanciness = 11;
customElements.define('fancy-element', FancyElement);
What are Web Components?
The <template>
Parse HTML into the DOM once, clone it cheaply many times.
<template id="fancy-template">
<p class="description"></p>
<footer><a>Read More</a></footer>
What are Web Components?
Shadow DOM
A private, encapsulated DOM subtree, attached to an element.
- DOM isolation (unique IDs)
- Style Encapsulation (simple selectors)
- Event Retargeting
What are Web Components?
The <slot>
Projects contents from the "light" DOM into positions in the Shadow Root.

::slotted(h2) {
color: var(--rh-color-brand-red-on-light);
What are Web Components?
Styling Web Components
CSS Custom Properties
- Inherit ∴ pierce shadow boundaries
- Useful for theming, animation, conditional CSS
CSS Shadow Parts
- Expose shadow elements as stylable
- Makes author-selected private elements public
What are Web Components?
CSS Custom Properties
Shadow CSS:
#content {
background: var(--content-background, transparent);
Light CSS:
x-element {
--content-background: red;
What are Web Components?
CSS Shadow Parts
Shadow DOM:
<div id="content" part="content">
Light CSS:
x-element::part(content) {
background: red;
padding: 2em;
What are Web Components?
The Future of Web Components
- CSS / HTML Modules
- Declarative Shadow DOM
- Form-Associated Custom Elements
- Declarative Custom Elements
- DOM Parts / Template Instantiation
Introduction to Web Technologies
Thanks to Nikki Massaro Kaufman for her help on the JS section