Introduction to Web Components and PatternFly Elements
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Introduction to Web Components
In this Presentation
- DOM as the basis for frontend work
- Custom Elements - HTML with an API
- Shadow DOM for encapsulation
- New Concepts in CSS
- Accessibility Concerns
- Libraries and Ecosystem
Web Components at Red Hat
- PatternFly Elements
- Red Hat Design System
Introduction to Web Components
Document Object Model
Anything found in an HTML document can be accessed, changed, deleted, or added using the Document Object Model
Document Object Model
The DOM: Document Object Model
As the browser downloads an HTML page, it instantiates a DOM for the document.
- Every HTML element becomes an element node
- The
element becomes the root document node - HTML Text content becomes text nodes
- Comments become comment nodes
This happens while the server streams HTML to the client, but <script>
elements and other subresources can halt streaming DOM construction and impair
page performance.
Document Object Model
Manipulating the Document
element.setAttribute(name, value)
Document Object Model
Attributes and Properties
HTML Attributes: key-value pairs on elements in a Document
- Add data and behaviour to elements
- Part of the Document - Always strings
- correspond with the
DOM property and*Attribute()
DOM Properties: JavaScript object properties on a DOM node
- JavaScript Objects like any other
- Mutating properties / calling methods can update the Document
Frontend Frameworks often 'abstract' away the difference between attributes and properties
Document Object Model
Attributes and Properties
Some attributes are paired with corresponding DOM properties
reflects to theid
sets theid
does not reflect to the value attributeinput.setAttribute('value')
does not set the value property
Document Object Model
- click / tap / scroll / mouseenter / mouseleave
- keyup / keydown
- focus / blur
- dragstart / dragstop / drop
Events have target
and path
properties which provide rich detail about the
state of the DOM.
Document Object Model
Event Listeners
.addEventListener('mousemove', function(event) {
const ctx = this.getContext('2d');
ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
ctx.fillRect(event.clientX, event.clientY, 2, 2);
Introduction to Web Technologies
What are Web Components?
Because web components are native to the web, they can travel to any web-based environment.
What are Web Components?
Custom Elements
In the DOM, each element relates to a
specific class. Custom Elements are HTML tags containing a hyphen which are
associated with a user-defined JavaScript class through the customElements
class FancyElement extends HTMLElement {
fanciness = 11;
customElements.define('fancy-element', FancyElement);
Custom Elements are HTML elements with user-defined DOM APIs.
What are Web Components?
The <template>
Parse HTML into the DOM once, clone it cheaply many times.
<template id="fancy-template">
<p class="description"></p>
<footer><a>Read More</a></footer>
What are Web Components?
Shadow DOM
A private, encapsulated DOM subtree, attached to an element.
- DOM isolation (unique IDs)
- Style Encapsulation (simple selectors)
- Event Retargeting
What are Web Components?
Declarative Shadow DOM
<template shadowrootmode="open">
<style>shadow styles</style>
<h2>Shadow Content</h2>
<h2>Light content</h2>
What are Web Components?
The <slot>
Projects contents from the "light" DOM into positions in the Shadow Root.

::slotted(h2) {
color: var(--rh-color-brand-red-on-light);
What are Web Components?
Styling Web Components
CSS Custom Properties
- Inherit ∴ pierce shadow boundaries
- Useful for theming, animation, conditional CSS
CSS Shadow Parts
- Expose shadow elements as stylable
- Makes author-selected private elements public
What are Web Components?
CSS Custom Properties
Shadow CSS:
#content {
background: var(--content-background, transparent);
Light CSS:
x-element {
--content-background: red;
What are Web Components?
CSS Shadow Parts
Shadow DOM:
<div id="content" part="content">
Light CSS:
x-element::part(content) {
background: red;
padding: 2em;
Form-Associated Custom Elements
<label>Label Association
<x-checkbox checked></x-checkbox></label>
class FancyElement extends HTMLElement {
#internals = this.attachInternals();
set value(v) {
this.#internals.ariaValueNow = v.toString();
Cross-Root ARIA
<span id="foo">Description!</span>
<x-foo aria-label="Hello!" aria-describedby="foo">
<template shadowroot="closed"
shadowrootdelegatesariaattributes="aria-label aria-describedby">
<input id="input" delegatedariaattributes="aria-label aria-describedby">
<span delegatedariaattributes="aria-label">Another target</span>
Libraries and Ecosystem
Libraries and Ecosystem
The 'original' web components library
- Adds declarative rendering and reactivity on top of
- Works well with (but does not require) TypeScript
- Performant updates - no VDOM overhead
- Just JavaScript - no babel, no JSX
@customElement('lit-thingy') class LitThingy extends LitElement {
@property() type: 'saucy'|'sassy';
render() {
return html`
<span>feeling ${this.type}</span>
Libraries and Ecosystem
Microsoft's Web Component framework and Design System
- Declarative functional templates combined with class components
- Innovative data binding system with Observables
- Comes with it's own design system
const template = html<FASTThingy>`
<span>feeling ${x => x.type}</span>
name: 'fast-thingy',
class FASTThingy extends FASTElement {
@attr() type: 'saucy'|'sassy';
Libraries and Ecosystem
React-like hooks, but it's web components
import { html } from 'lit';
import { component, useState } from 'haunted';
function Counter() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
return html`
<div part="count">${count}</div>
<button part="button" @click=${() => setCount(count + 1)}>
customElements.define('my-counter', component(Counter));
What are Web Components?
The Future of Web Components
- CSS / HTML Modules
- Declarative Custom Elements
- DOM Parts / Template Instantiation
- Open Stylable Shadow Roots
- Scoped Custom Element Registries
Web Components at Red Hat
PatternFly Elements
Web Components at Red Hat
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